Technical & training
Ducharme Article 2016 – mSCOA Transition
November 15, 2016
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With all municipalities and municipal entities having to implement the Municipal Standard Chart of Accounts (mSCOA) by 1 July 2017, the new classification framework brings along many additional compliance and business transformation requirements. Please find herewith a brief overview of some of the practical considerations impacted by the 9 mSCOA workstreams:
- mSCOA steering committee (governance) / mSCOA project plan & risk registers
- IT infrastructure and network (mSCOA circulars)
- Verification of current vote structure to mSCOA vote structure & prepare an annual budget on the structure / mSCOA audit trail & data transition audit logs
- Data cleansing
- HR & payroll (change management / update policies on-demand management / logistics management)
- Planning (IDP, Budget, SDBIP, Performance Management /mSCOA Vote & mSCOA Budget Structures;
- Core system and additional systems;
- Real estate, land use and grant management; and
- Document management