Asset Verification App (Dynamic Verify)
November 28, 2019
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To assist public sector entities in their preparation of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) compliant asset registers, Ducharme has added a mobile application solution to capture and verify movable assets: Ducharme Dynamic Verify. The Ducharme Dynamic verify app, stores all the information in a central point for real-time access, It is used to capture asset information in the various buildings and rooms and includes details of the assets, categorising thereof, capturing photos, GPS locations, condition assessment, etc. This mobile solution also allows for staff validation, for example where the party responsible for a room signs off on the room asset list by means of an electronic signature on the device’s screen. At the end of an asset verification project, the information is used to build GRAP-compliant asset registers including detailed financial information such as cost/value of assets, useful lives, depreciation, impairment, carrying value and more.
For more information on our Asset Verification App, please contact our James Such (jsuch@ducharmeconsulting.co.za / 076 402 6242).